Friday, April 16, 2010


Miss Rileyn picks up everything she hears...good and bad. We had to have a little conversation the other day about how saying DUH! to people was not nice. She actually said it to me and I got onto her about talking ugly to me. She said what does it mean? I told her it meant that you thought the other person was stupid. She didn't even realize it! She also was asking me about going to a party and I told her probably, to which she replied...I want you to say yes! not probably. She is a mess!

Funny story about David - well funny to me and anyone else who doesn't fish like its going out of style...He was telling me how he and his fishing partner ordered baby blue hoodies. I thought ok - not wierd - they fish tournaments only natural that they'd want to match and look like a team - the rest of his comment is what had me on the ground rolling....he said they ordered baby blue so that it would match the sky so that when the fish looked up they wouldn't see them! I can't remember the last time I saw a fish looking up out of the water! Funny to me - not so much to him...he wasn't too happy that I was on the ground laughing! I love him! He cracks me up! Have a great weekend...maybe that could go on Big Mama's fashion friday blog!HEHE


  1. that is hilarious!!! how was the track meet yesterday?

  2. explain what....he bought a baby blue hoodie so that he'd be camoflauged from the fish when they look up out of the water!!!that's just funny to me...he didn't think so and would totally be mad if he knew this was on here...actually i told him i am soooo putting that on the blog... Track did great...we got second overall District Runner up and keona and kimmy both advance to regionals, keona in 4 events and kimmy in 2

  3. AWESOME!!! i am so proud of both of them!!

  4. When I first looked at the blog is just had the title- no story. NOW I get it:o)

  5. Hahaha...I am still cracking up. That is so stinkin David. Hahahahahahahahaha. Please, please, post pics of the guys in their baby blues! Maybe they will have them by this weekend. Love yall
