Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Prayer Request

I am asking for your prayer requests...In our family, I am in charge of the financial records, the book-keeping and bill paying...Well, long story short, in our early years, I was very diligent and almost anal about it...if my book and the banks statements were off by even one cent, I would find the mistake. Now not so much. I hate doing the bills, I hate keeping the books and I have let things go that I shouldn't have. But now, the bank and my books don't match up at all. We are not struggling financially, I just haven't been very good at keeping up with my request is that you will pray for me for patience and the desire to keep things in order again and that the mistakes will be found. I get very frustrated with it all and instead of searching for that mistake I just put it away so that I don't have to think about it. Thanks in advance!


  1. You and me both! Yes I will and love the new layout!

  2. i am with rhonda - love the new layout and will definitely be praying for ya

    how did we all get the blessing of paying the bills in our marriage?? huh!!! i think it is time to switch, rotation is overdue!!!

  3. I am the same way BUT my hubby has decided to take over...let's see how it goes.

  4. Will do! I also do the bills in our family since Eric does his for his business. Even though God ALWAYS provides, I stress to the max over them. Praying patience and endurance for you!

    By the way, since I have no kids, I want to lie around and be lazy today but just reading your posts makes me feel like a slug for that! ;-) Send my some of your energy!
