Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Words that sting!

My oldest is very bold.  He has a way of saying pretty much what is on his mind.  Some examples:

"Mom, when we were little did your singing sound that bad?" 
"Mom, did boys like you in high school even though you looked like a boy?"

He holds nothing back...especially with me.  He is a little more reserved with his dad and I am glad that I have that kind of relationship with my son, however...he asked me something the other day that stung a little more than the previous two comments...

"Mom, do you like to laugh?  I don't know what your laugh sounds like."  That hit me hard.  I don't want my kids not knowing what my laugh sounds like.  As a child/teenager, I like to think of myself as mostly happy.  Quiet but happy.  If someone in our family was in a bad mood, I would act goofy or silly to try and make them happy. My goal this summer - for my son to know my laugh even when I am no where near. It won't be long before he is off at college, alone, away from his family for that long of a time for the first time.  He will need to know what his mama's laugh sounds like!


  1. WOW! Wounds of a friend (or son) are faithful:) Laugh your head off!

  2. it's tough being the mom - if only they knew how much they make us laugh - man, they know how to pack a punch!
