Tuesday, August 24, 2010

women of the Bible

ok - so i absolutely adore the Proverbs 31 lady, she is my role model, if i can be half of what she is then i feel i will be accomplished...I did a study this summer with some amazing women (Sue, Rhonda, Becca & Aimee...who's Christian walks and knowledge i truly admire) over Ruth and Naomi, and learned so much about what perseverance and faith...well, Sunday in Sunday school i happened across Titus...i can honestly say that i have never read one verse from Titus, however it intrigued me....it describes the qualities of a good church and within that description were how the women should be and how the men should be....well, the women part struck a cord with me bc some of those things it says not to do...i do.  so, if you are needing a good example for what a christian woman should be, look up Titus and tell me what you think...i may be totally off.


  1. Titus is an awesome example to follow:) And we all do the "not to do" list from time to time:)

  2. Did you know that there is actually a study about how to be a Titus woman?

  3. i will read it again during lunch and let you know - though I doubt you are totally off!! i think aimee has a great idea - let's do another study!!
