Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I have come to realize in my 30+ years of experience (not giving away everything!) that people are destined to disappoint. God is THE ONLY one who will never fail me. Husbands will disappoint, children will disappoint, co-workers, peers, etc. WILL ALL DISAPPOINT! He allows us to be broken so that we can be rebuilt...almost like a mosaic masterpiece. And the best things is...he takes us as we are and allows us to come back to Him seeking him more earnestly each and every time. Toby Mac's song says it best

I'm Yours....Take me as I am....I'm Yours....Won't you take this space and fill it up!

Have a blessed day!


  1. Amen sister - you and rhonda both did a great job today! and i think maybe Someone is trying to tell me something - hearing/reading a lot of the same message from lots of different avenues. so glad to have a family of believers, and sisters, to walk this journey with.

    love ya
